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Pulse and Digital Word Generation


PulseBlasterTM -- The powerful, intelligent TTL pulse, pattern, word generator. Up to 24 individually controlled bits/channels; variable update rate; pulses/delays from 60 ns to nearly 2 years per instruction; resolution up to 10 ns (100 MHz system clock). The entire logic design is contained in a single silicon chip, qualifying it as a system-on-a-chip (SOC) design – the industry’s first and only design of this kind.

PBUSB Rackmount

PulseBlasterESR-PRO -- At 500 MHz, the PulseBlasterESR-PRO is capable of generating pulses/delays/intervals ranging from 2.0 ns to 104 days per instruction, with a constant resolution of 2.0 ns.


PBUSB Rackmount2
PulseBlasterESR-PRO-USB-RM2 -- NEW!  At 500 MHz, the PulseBlasterESR-PRO-USB-RM2 is capable of generating pulses/delays/intervals ranging from 2.0 ns to 104 days per instruction, with a constant resolution of 2.0 ns.  This is a model that is powered by USB-C and features a 2U rackmount enclosure with a depth of 2".
PulseBlasterESR-PRO-USB-MX --  Our smallest 500 MHz USB board offering unparalleled size to performance ratio. The PulseBlasterESR-PRO-500-USB-MX is capable of generating pulses/delays/intervals ranging from 2.0 ns to 104 days per instruction, with a constant resolution of 2.0 ns offering 21 outputs to MMCX connectors.
PulseBlasterESR-PRO-USB-SMA -- NEW!  Our smallest 500 MHz USB board offering unparalleled size to performance ratio. The PulseBlasterESR-PRO-500-USB-SMA is capable of generating pulses/delays/intervals ranging from 2.0 ns to 104 days per instruction, with a constant resolution of 2.0 ns offering 12 outputs to SMA connectors.

PBUSB Rackmount
PBUSB Rackmount2

PulseBlasterUSBTM -- The portable, stand-alone, version of the PulseBlaster. The system features 24 output channels, 100 MHz clock frequency, and 4k memory words. The system is plug-and-play and controlled via USB. USB drivers and software for Windows are included, enabling the generation of complex pulse and pattern sequences for NMR, MRI, and related resonance and test technologies. Bare USB boards are also available.

RF and Arbitrary Waveform Generation

PulseBlasterDDS -- The PulseBlasterDDS builds on the high performance PulseBlaster pulse pattern generator. The PulseBlasterDDS line of boards adds RF analog outputs. USB boards are available for agile RF, arbitrary waveform, and TTL pulse generation.

RF_Pulse Sinc_Pulse Sinc_RF

PulseBlasterDDS-I-300-USB Image

PulseBlasterDDS-I-300 -- Equipped with one high frequency RF output channel available for agile pulse generation that is fully synchronized with the digital output channels. The PulseBlasterDDS-I-300 offers programmable frequency, phase, and amplitude registers as well as an arbitrary waveform generator. DAC frequencies up to 300MHz. USB version.

PulseBlasterDDS-IV-1000 -- Equipped with two pairs of high frequency quadrature RF outputs generated by two independent DDS cores. At a sampling rate of 1 GHz, the PulseBlasterDDS-IV-1000 can generate RF signals up to 400 MHz! The quadrature output pairs allow for seamless interfacing to analog quadrature modulators. Each data core has its own programmable frequency and amplitude registers. Includes interrupt functionality, hardware and software triggers, and a USB interface.

RF Signal Acquisition, Detection, and Processing


RadioProcessorTM -- The general purpose, broadband, radio frequency (RF) excitation and data acquisition system. The RadioProcessor™ can serve as a complete system console for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) or Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR).

This unique digital system is available as a USB board, providing users with a compelling price/size/performance proposition unmatched by any other device on the market today.


RadioProcessor-GTM -- Featuring three gradient voltage outputs in addition to the extensive capabilities of the original RadioProcessor, the RadioProcessor-G is a groundbreaking design that can serve as a complete system-on-chip solution for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) applications in gradient enhanced spectroscopy and diffusion measurements, and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance (NQR).

Mobile NMR Systems

iSpin Dual Bay

iSpin-NMRTM -- SpinCore's complete personal NMR system. Built around the RadioProcessor board and SpinCore's NMR software, once connected to a probe the iSpin-NMR is instantly ready to perform NMR experiments.


NMR Permanent Magnets -- Permanent magnets to complement the iSpin-NMR system. Several models available.

RF Power Amplifiers and Auxiliary Equipment




RF Power Amplifiers -- Very compact broadband 10-Watt, 15-Watt, and 75-Watt. Available in several different versions, including a blanking/enabling circuitry.
                          Adapter Board




Adapters -- The SMA-BNC adapter board is an easy solution to provide access to four additional output signals from the back panel of your computer. The IDC-MMCX adapter board provides an easy solution to accessing the 12 or 24 output signals from a variety of boards.
SpinCore TTL Line Driver
SpinCore TTL Line Driver -- Equipped with four input channels and 8 output lines, the SpinCore TTL Line Driver is able to assure TTL levels over 50 Ohm loads. The SpinCore TTL Line Driver is the perfect tool to work with any TTL control applications.
Oven Controlled Clock Oscillator -- An Oven Controlled Clock Oscillator (or OCXO) exhibits sub-ppm frequency stability.
USB-PTS Interface -- The USB-PTS device is available for the remote control of PTS frequency synthesizers via USB with easy to use Graphical User Interface. Simply attach the USB cable and connect the USB-PTS device to the "Remote Control" input on your PTS device and you are ready to go! No bulky ribbon cables, no additional interface adapter boards inside your computer - just one USB cable.
SP11APTC RadioProcessor/PBDDS Power
RadioProcessorTM USB Power Supply converts a 12V power supply into a highly regulated +5V/2A, +6V/1A, -6V/0.2A with a low ripple factor as required by our RadioProcessorTM USB board.
PulseBlaster Interface Cable -- This parallel port cable with mounting bracket is an easy solution to interfacing your PulseBlaster or RadioProcessor boards with any application.  The external port is a standard DB25-F Parallel port that mounts on your computer case for easy access to 12 of your boards TTL bits.  Add 2 for the PulseBlaster's full 24-bit TTL output.

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