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Compiling SpinCore PulseBlaster Interpreter


  1. Compiling using CMake and Visual Studio
  2. Compiling using Dev-C++ 5.11 with TDM-GCC 4.9.2

Compiling using CMake and Visual Studio

Requires CMake version 3.6 or later and a Visual Studio version that can be used by CMake. Instructions to build for x64 Windows using Visual Studio 2015 and 2022 are provided below.
  1. Navigate to the src folder of the PulseBlaster Interpreter within Command Prompt
  2. Input cmake . -DARCHITECTURE=x64
  3. Open up interpreter.sln in the src folder generated by CMake
  4. In Solution Explorer, right click spbi, click on Properties
    1. Set Configuration to Release and Platform to x64

    2. Go to C/C++, General and append C:\SpinCore\SpinAPI\include; to Additional Include Directories

    3. Go to Linker, General and append C:\SpinCore\SpinAPI\lib\; to Additional Library Directories

    4. Go to Linker, System and set SubSystem to Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)

    5. Set Character Set to Use Multi-Byte Character Set
      1. In Visual Studio 2015, this option is in Configuration Properties, General
      2. In Visual Studio 2022, this option is in Configuration Properties, Advanced

    6. Click OK

  5. Set the build to Release and x64

  6. Right click spbi in Solution Explorer and click Build
    1. spbi.exe should be in src/x64/Release

Compiling using Dev-C++ 5.11 with TDM-GCC 4.9.2

  1. Create a new project in Dev-C++ (File > New > Project > Empty Project) within the src folder of the PulseBlaster Interpreter

  2. Remove empty files within the Project and add the following files to the project (right click spbi in Project tab > Add To Project)
    1. gui.cpp
    2. interpreter.cpp
    3. interpreter.h
    4. resource.h
    5. resource.rc
    6. SpinCore.ico

  3. Include libraries to Linker (Project > Project Options > Parameters > Linker)
    1. spinapi64.lib (default path - C:\SpinCore\SpinAPI\lib\spinapi64.lib)
    2. ComDlg32.Lib (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\...\um\x64\ComDlg32.Lib)
    3. Gdi32.Lib (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Lib\...\um\x64\Gdi32.Lib)

  4. Go to Tools > Compiler Options > Directories > C++ Includes and add C:\SpinCore\SpinAPI\include

  5. (Optional) To prevent console from opening, go to Project > Project Options > Compiler > Linker, set Yes to Do not create a console window

  6. (Optional) To add the Interpreter logo, go to Project > Project Options > Browse > SpinCore.ico

last modified 08/22/2024

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