SpinCore PulseBlaster Interpreter
- Legal
- Graphical User Interface
- Language
- Interpreter Special
- Command Line
- PulseBlaster ESR Pro
Copyright (c) 2009 SpinCore
Technologies, Inc.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed
or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be
held liable for any damages arising from the use of this
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for
any purpose, including commercial applications.
Graphical User Interface
Interface Overview
Upon launching the program, you will be
presented with an interface for writing your
PulseBlaster programs. The top white box is an editor.
The bottom gray box is output that the interpreter
produces. At the bottom of the window is a box to put in
the frequency your board uses. On the bottom right, you
will notice Line # and Column # output. This tells you
where the cursor is inside of the edit box for fixing
errors and such.
Please note: The frequency value is
not interrogated from the board. You must enter the
correct clock frequency in this field in order for the
board to behave correctly. This frequency will be saved
each time you shutdown the program and then reloaded the
next time you launch.
At the top of the window is the menu bar
and 5 buttons. The buttons perform many of the same
functions that can be found on the menu bar but are
provided as a convenience. Starting from left to right:
Open File
This button opens a file. You will be prompted to save
any changes to the contents of the current file.
Save File
This button saves the file you are currently editing.
Load Board
This button loads the program that currently resides in
the edit box onto the board. The file does not have to
be saved beforehand. The program will take the contents
of the edit box and interpret them. The output of this
operation will be displayed in the output box. Upon
success, a message will be displayed saying the board
was successfully loaded. If this message is not
displayed, it means that some error occurred and a
message telling you the error should be the last thing
This button starts execution of the program currently in
the board's memory.
This button stops execution of the program current in
the board's memory.
The menu bar is just above the 5 buttons.
Starting from left to right:
This will erase the current contents of the edit box.
You will be prompted to save changes to the
current file.
Same as the Open File button.
Same as the Save File button.
This will exit the program. You will be prompted to save
changes to the current file.
Debug Information
This turns debug information from the interpreter on and
off. This might provide some insight into an error that
you might not be able to resolve. The debug information
will be shown next time the board is loaded.
This saves the contents of the output box to a text
This clears the contents of the output box.
Same as Load Board button.
Same as Start button.
Same as Stop button.
Help->Read Me
Opens this document in a web browser.
This displays information about the program.
The language of the interpreter is very similar in
appearance to that of an assembly language. Every line
represents a single instruction. White space, such as
tabs and spaces, is discarded. The language is
case-insensitive. The following are instructions on the
contents of a given line.
Labels come at the beginning of a line and
are denoted by a : at the end. For instance:
Start: 0xFFFFFF, 200 ms
This line is labeled Start. Since the
language is case insensitive though, the label is equal
to any form of the word Start. Labels are optional and
do not have to be contained on any line.
Output Pattern
This is the first required part for
a given line. This field must exist on all lines or the
interpreter will fail while programming the board. This
field represents the pattern that the board will output
for this instruction. This pattern may be represented in
Hex, Binary, or simply Integer format. All output fields
must begin with a number no matter what format they are
represented in. This usually only matters for Hex and
Binary representations. Hex and Binary representations
should start with a 0 followed by an 'x' or a 'b'. The
following are examples of valid output patterns for all
bits on:
Binary: 0b1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
Integer: 16777215
Notice how Hex and Binary begin with "0x"
and "0b". The x or the b must be there otherwise the
interpreter will fail while trying to program the board.
Also notice that the binary output pattern contains
white space. This is allowed. You may also use white
space inside of hex values:
The output pattern is read until a comma is reached. All
white space is thrown away during the read.
Time Field
The time field consists of two
parts, time value and time units. Time value can be any
decimal number. Time units must be one of four options:
seconds |
milliseconds |
microseconds |
nanoseconds |
*PulseBlaster ESR-Pro 400MHz users: please see special
note here
Examples of valid time fields are as follows:
500 ms
500.0 ms
White space is permitted inside of a time field.
Command Field
The command field tells the board what to do after
producing the output pattern for the given amount of
time. Valid commands are as follows:
CONTINUE or continue - Continue to next
STOP or stop - Stop execution
LOOP or loop - Beginning of a loop
END_LOOP or end_loop - End of a loop
JSR or jsr - Jump to a sub routine
RTS or rts - Return from a sub routine
BRANCH or branch - Branch
LONG_DELAY or long_delay - Long delay
WAIT* or wait - Wait for a trigger
The command field is optional. If no command field is
listed, the CONTINUE command will be
For more information on these commands see the SpinAPI
*Pleae note that WAIT cannot be placed at the top of
the program and there should be at least one
instruction execution time between the start of the
program and WAIT.
Data Field
The data field is also optional unless a branch
or jsr command is used during an instruction. In this
case, the interpreter forces you to enter a label to
jump to. The data field is used for different purposes
depending on the command field. If no data field is
specified, a value of 0 will be assumed. For more
information see the SpinAPI
Comments start with a // and the interpreter just
throws anything after that on the line away. Comments
may be on a line my themselves or placed after an
instruction as follows:
// Valid comment on a line by itself.
Label: 0xFFFFFF, 100 ms // Valid comment after a valid
0x000000, 100 ms, branch, Label // Another valid
There are several example programs available. Please
take a look at these.
Interpreter Special Features
The interpreter provides some special features to make
your life a little simpler when writing a
PulseBlaster program.
Stop is the only command allowed to
be on a line by itself. When a line is found containing
only the word stop, a program line will be generated
with a 0 output pattern and a length of 0 ms. Stop is
special in PulseBlaster boards in that the output
pattern and the time field are ignored. It is
recommended that before issuing a Stop command your
output pattern be set to 0. For instance:
0xFFFFFF, 100ms
This will result in all bits remaining on after the Stop
command has been executed. We recommend doing the
0xFFFFFF, 100ms
0x000000, 100ms
This will ensure that all bits are off when program
execution stops.
Always ensure that you include either a Stop or a Branch
instruction at the end of your program. If the
PulseBlaster Interpreter reaches the end of a defined
program without a command to prevent it from going
further, the board may read into fragments of previously
loaded programs that have not been erased from the
system. Doing so will cause erratic outputs from the
board. To avoid this, include the stop command at the
end of every program, even if it seems unlikely
that the end will be reached. Alternatively, the board
can be kept running with a perpetual low output by
putting the following instruction at the end of any
This will cause a permanent loop of logical 0 output at
the end of the program.
Loop Matching
The interpreter will do loop matching for you.
0x000000, 100ms, LOOP, 3 // Loop 3 times
0xFFFFFF, 100ms, END_LOOP // Interpreter will match
END_LOOP with the LOOP on the line above
Natural Language
Natural Language allows you to specify what bits to
switch on for a given instruction. Begin the output
field with "0n" and then you can specify which bits to
switch on. Valid ranges are 0 thru 23, and each bit is
seperated by a '+'. See the examples below.
0n 1 + 3, 500ms // Bits 1 and 3 on for 500ms
0n 2 + 4, 500ms // Bits 2 and 4 on for 500ms
0n 0 + 5, 500ms // Bits 0 and 5 on for 500ms
Variables allow you to change portions of your program
with ease. Variables are denoted by a leading '$' and
must be assigned a value
before they are used in your program. To assign a
variable a value, type the name of the variable followed
by an equal sign and the value you want to assign to
that variable. For example:
$var = 1234 // Assign $var 1234
Assignments must be on a line by themselves. Once a
variable has been assigned, it can be used anywhere in a
program line. Variables can not be used to label lines.
See the following example:
$output1 = 0xFFFFFF
$time1 = 100ms
$output2 = 0x000000
$time2 = 500ms
start: $output1, $time1 // Translates to: 0xFFFFFF,
$output2, $time2,
branch, start // Translates to: 0x000000, 500ms,
branch, start
Variables are just replaced with the value they are
assigned before program line values are parsed. They can
also be changed once they are assigned a value.
$output = 0xFFFFFF // $output will be 0xFFFFFF
after this point
$output, 100ms
$output = 0x000000 // $output will be 0x000000 after
this point.
$output, 100ms
Command Line
The interpreter can also be used from the command line
using spbicl.exe. This is only recommended for users who
are familiar with the usage of a command line and need
to use the interpreter from some other program. The
usage of the command line program is as follows:
Usage: spbicl <command> [file] [frequency]
Load = Load [file] into memory using [frequency]
Start = Start execution of program currently in memory
Stop = Stop execution of program currently running
spbicl load file.pb 100.0 Load
file.pb at 100 MHz
spbicl start Start program execution
spbicl stop Stop program execution
The return value of the program is 0 if success and -1
if an error occurs.
PulseBlaster ESR Pro Information
You can use the interpreter to program your PulseBlaster
ESR Pro boards, but there are some things you need to
know beforehand:
For 400 MHz PulseBlaster ESR Pro boards, the longest
allowed instruction length is 647 ns. For longer
delays, please use the LONG_DELAY option
in the command field. For example, to generate a
744 ns delay, use:
This will result in two 372ns delays being created, thus
producing a 744ns total delay.
PulseBlaster ESR Pro boards use the upper three bits of
the output pattern to determine different aspects about
the output pattern. For instance, if the upper three
bits of the output pattern are set to 0s, no output
pattern will occur during this instruction. An upper
three bits of 001 tells the board to perform the output
period for 1 period. You see, the board's minimum time
value is 12.5 ns. You can use the upper three bits to go
lower than this value.
000 - No output pattern.
001 - Output pattern for 1 period.
010 - Output pattern for 2 periods.
011 - Output pattern for 3 periods.
100 - Output pattern for 4 periods.
101 - Output pattern for 5 periods.
110 - Output pattern uses time value.
111 - Output pattern uses time value.
0b 1010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001, 12.5 ns // Bit 0
will be on for 5 periods.
0b 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010, 12.5 ns // Bit 1
will be on for 4 periods.
0b 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 0100, 12.5 ns // Bit 2
will be on for 12.5 ns.
last modified
02/06/09 |