The MATLAB scripts below are a subset of
SpinAPI examples that have been ported from C
Please verify that you have SpinAPI and MATLAB
installed on your computer. SpinAPI can be
found at
SpinAPI: SpinCore
API and Driver Suite.
The MATLAB examples can be
downloaded all at once by downloading the
compressed .7z file or individually via the
individual files link below.
MATLAB Examples .zip file
Download Link
MATLAB Examples individual files
These MATLAB scripts use the .m and .mat files
in the included MATLAB_SpinAPI folder that is
a directory above the example scripts. The
SpinAPI .dll and .h files are required to run
the scripts. The examples searches for these
files at the default path (
If SpinAPI is installed on a different drive,
the SpinAPI_Drive variable will need to be
changed within the script.
- If a debug log is created from MATLAB,
MATLAB must close before log.txt can be
- The workspace and command window are
cleared upon running the script