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Compiling the PBDDS-IV-1000 on Windows

The following instructions uses Dev-C++ as an example for Windows compilation. Virtually all other programming environments provide some mechanism for accessing an API provided by a Windows .dll. Please consult the help files of your environment if you are unsure of how to do this. For more general information on Windows compilation for SpinAPI, click here.


  1. Open the C file.

  2. Choose "Tools | Compiler Options".
  3.  Under the "Compiler" tab, check the "Add these commands to the linker command line" box, and enter "-lpbddsiv" (that's a lower-case L) in the text box below.

  4. Under the "Directories" tab, choose the "Libraries" tab. Click on the folder icon. Navigate to the directory where the "pbddsiv.lib" file is located. By default, it is installed in "C:\SpinCore\PBDDSIV\lib". You may also type the directory in manually. Click "Add".

  5. Choose the "C Includes" tab. Click on the folder icon. Navigate to the directory where the "ddsiv.h" file is located. By default, it is installed in "C:\SpinCore\PBDDSIV\inc". You may also type the directory in manually. Click "Add".

  6. Everything is now configured. Choose "Execute | Compile" from the menu to compile the program.

Free C/C++ Compilers:

    Dev-C++: This is a free C/C++ programming environment. It is available from http://www.bloodshed.net/dev/devcpp.html. Be sure to choose the larger download which includes the GCC MinGW compiler. The graphical interface of this environment is very usable, but not quite up to standard with commercial offerings. However, the underlying compiler is of high quality (it is the Windows version of the gcc compiler used on linux) and is what we use for much of our internal software development.

NOTE: If programs crash upon recompilation, please remove the pbddsiv.lib from the 'lib' folder.

NOTE: Please make sure that only one version of MinGW is installed at a time. If multiple versions are installed, Dev-C++ will be unable to compile.

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