From: Patrice Dosset (
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:41 AM
Originally devised for the study of rotational diffusion of macromolecules the program now allows for the determination of internal mobility parameters using the model-free approach from Lipari and Szabo, either in the case of isotropic or anisotropic overall molecular diffusion.
A graphical display of internal mobility parameters and a rigorous monte carlo analysis of errors and model suitability have been incorporated into the program. All of the already existant rotational diffusion analysis has been retained, with a number of improvements in the user-interface and graphical display.
In view of the number of new features, if you have already used Tensor1.0 or 1.1 we urge you to download the new version.
Patrice Dosset, Dominique Marion and Martin Blackledge.
Laboratoire de RMN
Institut de Biologie Structurale
41, rue Jules Horowitz
Grenoble 38027
Telephone - (33)-4-76-88-95-54
fax - (33)-4-76-88-54-94
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