We have started making our pulse programs available on the Internet at the address http://www.crc.dk/nmr/ . They are available mainly in Varian format but there are also a few in Bruker format. The first release includes 15N-1H and 13C-1H TROSY, TROSY-NOESY with amide diagonal peak suppression, and hHNCO experiments for measurement of 2hJ(HNCO) and 3hJ(HNC?) coupling constants across hydrogen bonds. We will keep adding new pulse programs and updating existing ones as appropriate.
Ole Winneche Sørensen, Department of Chemistry, Carlsberg Laboratory, Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Copenhagen-Valby, Denmark. Phone: +45 3327 5209, Secretary: +45 3327 5221, Fax: +45 3327 4708. Homepage: http://www.crc.dk/chem/nmr.htm NMR center homepage: http://www.crc.dk/chem/nmrcenter.htm Private email account: olews@get2net.dk
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