Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:54:08 +0200
Charlotta Damberg (csd@nmr.se)
The Swedish NMR Centre at Göteborg University
The Swedish NMR Centre (SNC) is a department (arbetsenhet) under the
Bioscientific Council, a body organised jointly by the
Medical and the Science
Faculties of Göteborg University. SNC has the character
of a national facility
and is run by a national board and has a national
scientific advisory board.
SNC is located in the newly built (May, 1997)
Hasselblad laboratory. SNC has
three main objectives:
- SNC provides state-of-the art NMR spectrometers
academic users.
Instrument time is awarded by SNC after evaluation of
the application by the
Scientific advisory board. The current instrumentation
configuration is one 800
MHz, two 600 MHz and two 500 MHz NMR spectrometers.
- SNC organises courses in NMR spectroscopy with
international lecturers and
courses in subjects related to NMR spectroscopic areas.
- SNC organises minisymposia, symposia and summer
and invites leading
scientists to present lectures at the forefront of
research. One-day minisymposia
are held twice yearly, the Nordic NMR symposium will
be held in Göteborg in
1999 and the International Summer School on "The
Structural Approach to
the Immune System - Communication and Folding", was
organised jointly by
SNC and the University of Oxford, Biochemistry
Department in 1998.
For more information, please visit
NMR Information Server