From: Vladimir Sklenar" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:54 AM
The Russell Varian prize honors the memory of the pioneer behind the first commercial Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectrometers and co-founder of Varian Associates. The prize is awarded to a researcher based on a single innovative contribution (a single paper, patent, lecture or piece of hardware) that has proven of high and broad impact on state-of-the-art NMR technology. The prize is sponsored by Varian Inc. and carries a monetary award of 15,000 Euro and will be awarded for the first time at the 16th EENC in Prague, June 9-14, 2002.Rules for the Russell Varian Prize
- Only single pieces of work are considered (a paper, a lecture, a patent, etc).
- In case of multiple authorship, the prize is awarded to the author with the largest creative and innovative share of the contribution. Only in exceptional cases of truly equal shares can the prize be split between two authors of the same contribution.
- No individual can receive the prize more than once.
- Prize winners become members of the Advisory Board for the Russell Varian Prize that evaluates future nominations and makes recommendations to the Prize Committee.
Nominations must be forwarded by email to the Program Chair of the 16th EENC, Vladimir Sklenar, at The deadline for nominations is Jan. 31, 2002. Nominations must contain the following: Call for Nominations
- Name and current affiliation of the nominee.
- The reference of the contribution behind the nomination.
- A short description of the impact this contribution has had on state-of-the-art NMR.
- In case of multiple authorship, a description of why the nominee is the most innovative author behind the paper.
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