NMR Information Server

From: Brian Saam <saam@physics.utah.edu>
Sent: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:28:41 -0600 (MDT)

The 45th NMR2

    The 45th NMR**2 (that is, NMR squared) meeting will take place in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah on Friday and Saturday, November 19th and 20th, hosted by Brian Saam.

    This biannual meeting is designed to help the various research groups in the mountain west doing NMR/MRI to stay connected. (We often have speakers and attendees from outside the region, however.) This is usually a rather eclectic bunch: talks range from biomedical MRI to protein NMR to materials NMR and whatever else interesting is happening in the community.

    As was done for the 40th Meeting in May 2002, we will expand to include a Friday afternoon session and dedicate a portion of the meeting to gas (hyper- and otherwise-polarized) NMR and MRI. The meeting website is


    For more information contact Brian Saam (saam@physics.utah.edu).

NMR Information Server

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