From: "Smith, John"
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 6:32 AM
Pharmaceutical work using a SpinCore pulsed NMR spectrometer
A SpinCore pulsed
NMR spectrometer has recently been
used for the quantitative analysis of medicines (Analytical Chemistry,
2009, 81, 5574 – 5576) . The experimental method was nuclear quadrupole
resonance (NQR), a technique closely related to NMR except that
the energy levels and frequencies are governed by the interaction
of the nuclear electric quadrupole moment with the electric field
gradient at the nuclear site. No static magnetic field is therefore
required and in principle there is no limit to the volume of sample
that can be examined. NQR signals are only seen in solids but the
method is non-invasive, unequivocally identifies the medicine and
provides an estimate of quantity. Unlike many other techniques,
there is no need to open the container or pre-treat the sample. In the
paper referred to above, NQR was used to detect 35Cl NQR
signals at
34.33 MHz in 250 mg tablets of the antidiabetic medicine “Diabinese;”
in blind tests, the number of tablets in a standard medicine
bottle could be determined to within 1 %.
In pharmaceutical analysis, the most important
nucleus is 14N, found in at least 80 % of medicines.
frequencies lie below 5 MHz and so are weak, requiring long multiple
pulse trains and signal averaging to achieve an acceptable
signal-to-noise ratio. The sensitivity can be significantly improved
and spurious signals and radiofrequency interference eliminated by the
use of modern parametric data processing, enabling portable un-shielded
antenna to be used in much the same way as a metal detector. Such
methods have been used to detect NQR signals in a number of medicines
in current use, such as the anti-hypertensive “Furosemide” and
bacteriocide “Sulfapyridine” in acquisition times of several minutes,
depending on the quantity ; in both, polymorphic forms can be readily
distinguished, an important factor for real applications of the method
(Analytical Chemistry, 2005, 77, 3925 – 3930).
Much of this work was performed on a standard
pulsed SpinCore
spectrometer by the NQR group at King’s College London using data
processing algorithms developed by Professor Andreas Jakobsson at Lund
University, Sweden.
King’s College
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