NMR Information Server

From: Magnus Helgstrand (magnus.helgstrand@csb.ki.se)
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 4:41 AM

ANSIG ported to Windows/OpenGL

    I have ported the program ANSIG to a Windows/OpenGL version, then called Ansig for Windows. I have at the same time added new functionality for semiautomatic assignment of protein NMR-spectra. The new program is fully compaible with ANSIG v3.3.The program is distributed under a GNU license, which means it is free to use for anyone.

The program has a homepage: http://www.csb.ki.se/nmr/AFW.html where it can be downloaded.

Magnus Helgstrand
Department of Biotechnology, KTH
CSB, Novum
S-141 57 Huddinge

Phone: +46-8-6089237
Fax: +46-8-6089290

NMR Information Server