NMR Information Server

From: AMPERE2001 <ampere2001@physik.uni-stuttgart.de>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 7:45 AM

NEWS from the Specialized Colloque AMPERE 2001 in Stuttgart

      Ladies and gentlemen,

We would like to inform you about the most recent developments
concerning the Specialized Colloque AMPERE 2001 in Stuttgart.
Due to the request of some colleagues to allow those
who plan to progress to high field NMR or high frequency ESR
to attend the meeting in order to learn more about those
possibilities we have relaxed the requirement concerning the
lower limits of field and frequency.

In order to allow those people to send in an abstract we have
changed the deadline for submission of abstracts to
March 15, 2001 and registration to April 2, 2001.

Those who have already submitted an abstract are currently
being informed about the acceptance.
(See the attached updated second circular for details)

The plenary and invited lecturers are listed below,
including the available title of their lecture:

W. G. Clark (Los Angeles)
 Condensed Matter Physics NMR above 28 T and 1.2 GHz

L. Emsley (Lyon) title to be announced

J. H. Freed (Ithaca) title to be announced

H. J. M. de Groot (Leiden)
 Ultra High Fields MAS NMR in Biological Research

D. Goldfarb (Rehovot)
 The Effect of Spin-Relaxation on ENDOR Spectra Recorded
 at High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures

R. G. Griffin (Cambridge,MA)
 Dynamic Nuclear Polarization and Dipolar Recoupling at
 High Magnetic Fields

M. Horvatic (Grenoble)
 High Field NMR in low-dimensional quantum systems

A. Janossy (Budapest) title to be announced

G. Jeschke (Mainz)
 High-Field ESR investigations on Polymer Dynamics

K. Möbius (Berlin)
 High-Field EPR on electron and proton transfer proteins:
 Structure and dynamics

T. F. Prisner (Frankfurt)
 HF-EPR as a tool for the investigation of active
 sites in proteins

J. Schmidt (Leiden) title to be announced

H. W. Spiess (Mainz)
 Structure and Dynamics of Supramolecular Systems
 from Solid State NMR and pulsed ESR

J. van Tol (Tallahassee) title to be announced

A. Watts (Oxford) title to be announced

G. Zheng (Osaka)
 63Cu and 17O NMR Studies of High-Tc Superconductors
 under Very High Magnetic Fields up to 42 Tesla


Further oral lectures will be selected from the contributed
abstracts. Preference for oral or poster presentation should
be indicated.

Social events

Tuesday night:
 public lecture demonstration of chemical energy

  Sons et lumiere

 John A. Salthouse,
 Chemistry Department,
 University of Manchester

Wednesday: Excursion to Schloss Ludwigsburg
  Visit of the Daimler-Chrysler Museum
  (historical motorcars)

  Conference Dinner Event (Science meets Industry)

  Fee for conference dinner: 50 EUR

Michael Mehring     Gerd Denninger

Specialized Colloque AMPERE 2001
Universität Stuttgart
2. Physikalisches Institut
D-70569 Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 711 685-5217
Fax:   ++49 711 685-5285
Email: ampere2001@physik.uni-stuttgart.de

NMR Information Server