NMR Information Server

Submitted by: Chi-Fon Chang, Ph.D.(chifon@gate.sinica.edu.tw)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 06:52:16 -0400

ISMAR 2007

Kenting, Taiwan

    The 16th ISMAR meeting will be held in Kenting, Taiwan, in October, 2007, under the chairmanship of Prof. Tai-huang Huang (Academia Sinica).  The Honorary Chair of the conference is Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee, Nobel Laureate and President of Academia Sinica.

    More information on the 16th ISMAR Meeting is available at the URL


    The venue of the meeting will be the Kenting Howard Beach Resort, located in Kenting National Park.  Nestled between beautiful mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Kenting Howard Beach Resort stands elegantly in Mediterranean style inside the national park. It is a five star resort with 405 well-designed rooms and spacious conference facilities.

    About ISMAR:  ISMAR is a society devoted to the advancement of magnetic resonance and its applications. Its main public function is in piloting the organization of an international meeting, at present triennial.  This is one of the largest such meetings, and the only one of its size that brings together magnetic resonance practitioners from many countries and from all domains, including NMR, NQR, ESR, MRI, ICR and aspects of coherent optics. Junior scientists are particularly encouraged to participate. ISMAR has sponsored meetings in venues throughout the world every three years since 1971.

Chi-Fon Chang, Ph.D.
Genomics Research Center
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan

NMR Information Server

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