From: Ripmeester, John (
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 4:46 PM
The 39th IUPAC Congress and the 86th Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC) Conference and Exhibition will take place in Ottawa on August 10-15, 2003. We invite you to submit a paper to the Symposium on NMR and MRI of Materials, which will be organized as part of the CSC Conference. This symposium will provide a forum for presenting and discussing new methods, insights and advances in NMR spectroscopy and MRI especially for materials applications. The symposium will cover a wide range of issues, and contributions are solicited on the design of new experiments and applications to materials (bulk, surfaces, interfaces).If you wish to submit an abstract, please visit the meeting website: (deadline – Feb. 14, 2003)
John Ripmeester
Chris Ratcliffe
Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences
National Research Council Canada
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
CANADATel. +1 (613) 993-2011 (JR)
Tel. +1 (613) 991-1240 (CR)
Fax +1 (613) 998-7833
Chris.Ratcliffe@nrc-cnrc.gc.caScientists who have agreed to speak at the symposium so far : Pines (Berkeley, Plenary Lecture), Balcom (New Brunswick), Eckert (Muenster), Fyfe (British Columbia), Jameson (Chicago), Mueller (Penn State), Naito (Yokohama), Raftery (Purdue), Smith (Coventry), Sozzani (Milan), Spiess (Mainz), Taulelle (Strasbourg), Wasylishen (Alberta).
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