Marian Lech Buszko

SpinCore Technologies, Inc.

Ph.D (1987) Institute of Physics 
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

Postdoctoral Appointments:
1990-1991:  University of Florida, Department of Physics (with Dr. E. Raymond Andrew)
1991-1992: Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Department of Chemistry (with Dr. Gary Maciel)

Faculty Positions Held:
1992-2005: Assistant and Associate-In  Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, University of Florida, Gainvesville, Florida, USA 


SpinCore Technologies, Inc.
4623 NW 53rd Avenue, Suite 5
Gainesville, Florida 32653, USA
Phone: +1-352-271-7383
Fax: +1-352-371-8679


General Field: Embedded electronics research and instrumentation development for Magnetic Resonance (NMR, MRI, QR), mass spectrometery, ultrasound, spintronics, photonics research, and related resonance and test technologies.

General Technology and Activity:   Systems-on-chip integration and Programmable-logic implementations.

General Role: Executive Management.

    General Area: Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
    • Technological Developments
    • Interdisciplinary Applications
    • Graduate and Undergraduate NMR Laboratory Education.

    Specific Activities (in collaboration with faculty and students accross departments, colleges, and institutions).:

          Cancer Research
                   - Inhibitory role of metal ions in malignal cell growth;
                   - Therapy-response markers by in vivo and in-situ (in-vitro) NMR spectroscopy.
      Molecular Physics, Chemistry and Microbiology:
        - Microbial and cellular metabolism by in-vivo and in-vitro NMR spectroscopy; 
        - Structural analysis of complex biological polymers, toxic biological substances, and metabolites;
        - Bioinformatics and genomic analysis;
        - Molecular and lattice dynamics, polymorphism and phase transitions in disordered systems studied by NMR spin relaxation and NMR line analysis.  
      Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) methods:
        - High-resolution, solution NMR of perfused cells: in-situ, in-vitro, and in-vivo NMR spectroscopy; 
        - High resolution NMR of solids: magic-angle-spinning (MAS) and combined rotation and multiple pulse spectroscopy (CRAMPS); 
        - NMR imaging and microimaging; chemical shift imaging in the solid state.
      Electronics and Electrical Engineering:
        - VHDL and ASIC design strategies; 
        - Integrated systems development - complex scientific and medical instruments; 
        - Pulse and digital techniques, broadband systems, transient response and signal-to-noise optimization; 
        - Temperature probeheads; 
        - Magnetic-field gradient coil systems for NMR and MRI imaging. 
      Computer and Information Sciences:
        - Global optimization by simulated annealing; 
        - Client-server computing and distributed systems; 
        - Internet Applications - remote control of scientific instruments;
        - NMR quantum computing - instrumentation development;
        - Local-Area network implementations, platforms' integration and UNIX administration. 

            Courses Taught
            MCB 5303L -  Microbial Genetics (NMR Laboratory Instruction).
            PCB 5136L
- Techniques in Microbial & Cell Biology (NMR Laboratory Instruction).
            MCB 6937 - Special Topics in Microbiology (Selected problems and projects).
            EEL 5905 -  Individual Work (Selected problems and projects).



Johnson CL, Buszko ML, Bobik TA.: Purification and initial characterization of the Salmonella enterica PduO ATP:Cob(I)alamin adenosyltransferase, J Bacteriol. 2004 Dec;186(23):7881-7.

Underwood S. A, Buszko M. L, Shanmugam K.T, Ingram L.O.: Lack of protective osmolytes limits final cell density and volumetric productivity of ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 during xylose fermentation. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2004 May;70(5):2734-40. 


Gutierrez T, Buszko ML, Ingram LO, Preston JF.: Reduction of furfural to furfuryl alcohol by ethanologenic strains of bacteria and its effect on ethanol production from xylose.  Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2002 Spring;98-100:327-40.

Underwood SA, Buszko ML, Shanmugam KT, Ingram LO., Flux through citrate synthase limits the growth of ethanologenic Escherichia coli KO11 during xylose fermentation. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2002 Mar;68(3):1071-81. 


Healy, F. G., Buszko, M. L., Tao, H., Gonzales, R., and Shanmugam, K.T., and Ingram, L.O.: Altered sugar utilization patterns by Escherichia coli carrying plasmid-encoded xylose operons wiht cAMP/XylR-independent promoters. 101th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Orlando, Florida, USA. 


Park YI, Buszko ML, Gander JE.: Glycine betaine: reserve form of choline in Penicillium fellutanum in low-sulfate medium. Appl Environ Microbiol. 1999 Mar;65(3):1340-2.


W. Pawlina, M.L. Buszko, R. A. Zaldivar and S.C. Frost:  In Vivo Study of Glycogen Metabolism in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Under Perfusion by 13C-NMR Spectroscopy, (1998)

Marian L. Buszko, Daniel C. Wang, and Dominik Buszko: A Common Gateway Interface Program for the World-Wide Web NMR Spectrometer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 131, 362-366 (1998). 

    1997 and earlier

M.L. Buszko and D.C. Wang: A World-Wide Web Interface to an NMR Spectrometer. Applied Magnetic Resonance 12, 95-101 (1997).

Buszko ML, Kempka MF, Szczesniak E, Wang DC, Andrew ER: Optimization of Transverse Gradient Coils with Coaxial Return Paths by Simulated Annealing. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, series B, 112(3):207-213, Sep 1996.

Marian L. Buszko and Gary E. Maciel: Solid-State 1H CRAMPS NMR Imaging with Pulsed Rotating Magnetic Field Gradients; J. Magn. Reson. A110, 1 (1994.)

Marian Buszko and Gary Maciel: Proton Spectroscopic Imaging in the Solid State by TREV-CRAMPS" ; J. Magn. Reson. A110, 7 (1994).

Marian Buszko and Gary E. Maciel Magnetic-Field-Gradient Coil System for Solid-State MAS and CRAMPS NMR Imaging;J. Magn. Reson. A107, 151 (1994).

Moye, Gander, Brey, Buszko: Formation of N,N'-Dibutylurea from n-Butylisocyanate, a Degradation Product of Benomyl; J. Ag. and Food Chem. 42, 1204 (1994).

Y. Park, M.L. Buszko, and J.E. Gander: Fungal Glycopeptides and Regulation of exo-beta-D-Galacto-furanosidase Activity; Proceedings of '94 Agricultural Biotechnology Symposium on Enzymes for Carbohydrate Engineering, pp 135-159, August 26, 1994, Suwon, S. Korea.

Buszko ML, Andrew ER.: 1H NMR study of lithium D-lactate. Solid State Nucl Magn Reson. 1992 Jul;1(3):115-9. 

    Currently: SpinCore Technologies, Inc. - Chief Executive
    Formerly: IFAS NMR Facility - Director
    Formerly: Department of Microbiology and Cell Science Information Technologies - Director


     “Zinc and Prolactin Regulation of Prostate Cancer Cell Energy Metabolism,” American Institute for Cancer Research, co-PI, 2001-2003, $165,000.

    “Application of Functional Genomics to Recombinant Biocatalysts for Fuel and Chemicals,” United States Department of Agriculture, co-PI, 2000-2003, $2,000,000.

    "Prostate Cancer: Inhibitory Role of Zinc in Malignant Cell Growth," Opportunity Fund Award, University of Florida, co-PI, 1998-1999,  $66,000. 

    "World-Wide Web NMR Spectrometer: A Teaching Tool for Undergraduate Education," USDA Challenge Grant Program, PI, 1998-2001, $176,000 (total cost, 50 % matched). 

    "A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectrometer as a Web Appliance," Sun Microsystems' Academic Equipment Grant Program, PI, 1998, $60,000 (in kind). 

    "A Proposal to Acquire High Resolution Solids NMR Capability at the University of Florida," National Science Foundation's Major Research Instrumentation Program, participating scientist, 1997 (approx. $800,000 total cost).

    "Minigrant Proposal for the Improvement of Instruction," Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Dean for Academic Programs, PI, 1997, $3,000. 

    "A World-Wide Web NMR Spectrometer" Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Dean for Instructions Award, PI, 1996, $10,000. 

    "Minister of Education Award for Ph.D. Thesis," Nominated by the Dissertation Committee, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, 1987. 

    "The Most Useful M.Sc. Thesis," - The National Award of The Ministry of Higher Education and Association of Polish Students; 1st Prize, 1978.

    American Association for the Advancement of Science  (AAAS);
    American Chemical Society  (ACS);
    International Society of Magnetic Resonance  (ISMAR);
    Sigma Xi.

    2000-2005: North-East Regional Data Center (NERDC, currently CNS) Instruction and Research Committee, University of Florida, Gainesville.