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Customers' Applications of SpinCore Products

    SpinCore's highly acclaimed designs have been in use in academic and industrial laboratories world wide, with many different and sometimes unexpected applications.  With permission from our customers, we are proud to provide the following listing of customers' applications:

Universität Innsbruck, Austria - Dr. Katrin Erath-Dulitz uses the PulseBlaster as a multi-channel trigger source for their experiments in AMO physics, e.g. for pulsed valves, high-voltage switches, laser shutters, AOMs.

MIT, USA - Dr. Shai Tsesses, part of the Vuletic group, uses the PBESR-PRO board to trigger an AWG card, which then outputs the required waveform to control acousto-optic modulators and deflectors, for the purpose of shuttling atoms in their experiment in various ways.

TU Darmstadt, Germany - Dr. Lars Pause in Prof. Dr. Gerhard Birkl's group, uses the PulseBlaster within the labscript framework for quantum computation with neutral atoms as well as with BECs.

USA - A customer uses a PulseBlasterESR-PRO to control lasers in order to form text on a streak image.

University of Melbourne, Australia - Dr. Qi Lim in Professor David Jamieson's group uses the PulseBlaster for research in solid state physics.

Academia Sinica, Taiwan - Dr. Ya-Fen Hsiao in Dr. Ying-Cheng Chen's lab, uses the PulseBlaster as their timing sequence for their research.  Three example publications in which the PulseBlaster was used are Broadband coherent optical memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency, Quantum storage and manipulation of heralded single photons in atomic memories based on electromagnetically induced transparency, and Highly efficient coherent optical memory based on electromagnetically induced transparency.

Aarhus University, Denmark - Dr. Nino Wili uses the iSpin-NMR system to interface with an EPR spectrometer.

FaMAF National University of Córdoba, Argentina - Dr. Esteban Anoardo uses our RadioProcessor G in their work on A fast field-cycling MRI relaxometer for physical contrasts design and pre-clinical studies in small animals.

University of Otago, New Zealand - Dr. Marvin Weyland from Assoc. Prof. Mikkel F. Andersens group at the University of Otago, uses the PulseBlaster to control short laser pulses in their single atom experiment, performing operations like preparation of a specific quantum states, inducing photoassociation and measuring entanglement of atoms.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany - Marcel Schrodin of the Wernsdorfer Group uses PulseBlasterESR Pro boards in his work on quantum sensing and quantum computation. The main application of the boards is the precise control of MW sources and lasers for the implementation multi-pulse sequences.

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, USA - Jonathan Marbey's group under Dr. Stephen Hill is integrating the PulseBlaster into a home built W-band EPR spectrometer.

Harvard University, USA - Dominik B. Bucher, Diana P. L. Aude Craik, Mikael P. Backlund, Matthew J. Turner, Oren Ben Dor, David R. Glenn & Ronald L. Walsworth used a PulseBlasterESR-PRO-500 in their work on Quantum diamond spectrometer for nanoscale NMR and ESR spectroscopy.

Bose-Einstein Condensate Research Group, Monash University, Australia -
Dr. Lincoln Turner's group has produced open source experiment control software known as the labscript suite, which provides an extensive python-based DSL for describing hard-real-time sequenced experiments. They use PBs to produce the control pulse sequences and clock other analog and digital IO hardware, such as NI boards. The suite is now in use at ~12 labs around the world, and is further described in their paper, A scripted control system for autonomous hardware-timed experiments.

Canon Nanotechnologies, USA - Tom Rafferty says, “My application is a PIV (particle image velocimetry) system; we are driving a dual-cavity YAG laser, a dual-buffer camera, and a micro-droplet dispense system, all at micron-level resolution.”

University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada - Professor Carl Michal has been using SpinCore PulseBlaster boards for nearly 10 years now - they run one of three NMR spectrometers in his lab.  Two example publications in which all of the measurements were made with the PulseBlaster are: Modeling T1 and T2 relaxation in bovine white matter and Two-photon Lee-Goldburg nuclear magnetic resonance: Simultaneous homonuclear decoupling and signal acquisition.

University of Science and Technology of China, Jinzhai, China - Fazhan Shi and co-researchers used a PulseBlasterESR-PRO-500 in their work on Single-protein spin resonance spectroscopy under ambient conditions.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA - Bryan W. Reed and co-researchers used a PulseBlasterESR-PRO-500 in their work on Irreversible reactions studied with nanosecond transmission electron microscopy movies: Laser crystallization of phase change materials, which won an R&D100 award.

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL, USA - Drs. Greg T. Blakney, Christopher L. Hendrickson, Alan G. Marshall used a PulseBlaster in their work on the Predator data station: A fast data acquisition system for advanced FT-ICR MS experiments.

University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand - Drs. D. L. McAuslan, D. Korystov and J.J. Longdell used a PulseBlasterDDS in their work on Coherent spectroscopy of rare-earth-ion doped whispering-gallery mode resonators.

Australian National University, Canberra, Australia and University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand - Drs. D. L. McAuslan, P. M. Ledingham, W. R. Naylor, S. E. Beavan, M. P. Hedges, M. J. Sellars and J. J. Longdell used a PulseBlasterDDS in their work on Photon echo quantum memories in inhomogeneously broadened two level atoms.

Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland - Dr. Adam Rachocki uses a PulseBlasterUSB to modernize an older version of the pulse generator in solid NMR spectrometer.

University of Chicago, USA -  Dr. Boris Epel uses a PBESR-PRO-400 for his Electron Spin Resonance experiments. Dr. Epel, in collaboration with Drs. Igor Gromov, Stefan Stoll, Daniella Goldfarb, and Arthur Schweiger, developed SpecMan, a comprehensive EPR-control software package.

University of Stuttgart, Germany -  Dr. Fedor Jelezko works on single-spin ESR. In his work, he uses PulseBlasterESR-PRO-400 for precise control of lasers and microwave sources. His recent work on Multipartite Entangelment Among Single Spins in Diamond was recently reported in Science. Dr Jelezko kindly submitted to us a short Application Note describing his experiments.

Harvard University, USA -  Lilian Childress and Dr. Gurudev Dutt use PulseBlasterESR boards in their work on spintronics and quantum information processing.   The results of their studies "open the door to coherent manipulation of individual isolated nuclear spins in a solid-state environment even at room temperature." The Science paper describing their work is titled Coherent Dynamics of Coupled Electron and Nuclear Spin Qubits in Diamond.

The latest paper from the Harvard group and their collaborators on nanoscale magnetic sensing with an individual electronic spin has just been published in Nature.

Oxford University, England -  High-fidelity pulsed electron spin resonance to implement quantum computing algorithms (Dr. John J. L. Morton uses a 400 MHz PulseBlasterESR-PRO in his experiments).

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA -  Graduate student Dzmitry Matsukevich works with his advisor Dr. Kuzmich on quantum communication and matter-light transformation.  Two 300 MHz PulseBlasterESR-PRO PCI boards trigger their lasers.  Georgia Tech Research News covers their work and provides references to their science papers.

Santec Corporation, Japan - The R&D group uses PulseBlasterESR-PRO-400 PCI boards to develop new systems for Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT).

Korea Basic ScienceInstitute (KBSI), South Korea - Mr.Hur Man-Hoi, member of the FT-ICR Devlopment Team, uses PulseBlaster PCI PB24 boards in system development.

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea - Taesoon Hwang,  graduate student in Dr. Soonchil Lee's group, works with PulseBlaster PCI PB24 boards on solid state physics of thin films for nanomagnetism and spintronics applications.

Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science, Academic Sinica, Taiwan - Dr. Ying-Cheng Chenuses PulseBlaster PCI boards in his lab.

EuropTest, Aeroflex, France - Engineers at Aeroflex will use customized Compact-PCI (c-PCI, PXI) PulseBlaster board to test their radar systems.

University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - Dr. Henrik N. Poulsen uses a PulseBlasterESR-PRO PCI board to control an optical re-circulating loop for transmission experiments in fiber-optic communication.

MIT Stata Center for Ultracold Atoms, USA - Researchers use PulseBlaster and PulseBlasterESR-PRO boards in their experiments on quantum information processing using BEC (Boise-Einstein) condensates.

Universtaet Stuttgart, Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Germany - Dr. Igor Tkach uses PulseBlasterESR-PRO-300 for in-situ FT-IR Spectroscopy of catalytic and degradation processes in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.

University of Nottingham, England -  Dr. Anthony Kent will use PulseBlasterDDS PCI board and PBPlus! systems to build his new NMR instrument for studying hyperpolarizedsemiconductors.

University of Jyväskylä, Dep. of Physics, Finnland - Jani Hakala  purchased PulseBlaster PB24-100-32k PCI board to replace his older PPG100 programmable pattern generator card.

Cornell University, USA - Two research groups use PulseBlaster and PulseBlasterESR PCI boards to develop pulsed EPR applications.

Michigan State University, USA -  Dr. Bari Olivier uses his TTL-only PulseBlasterPlus for experiments in physiology and heart failure using animal models.

Minnesota State University, USA -  Undergraduate students enrolled in Dr. Shastri's course will build an NMR spectrometer with a PulseBlaster PCI board.

University of Florida, Department of Chemistry, USA - Dr. Eyler and his graduate students use a PulseBlaster PCI board to control experiments in mass spectrometry.

Institute de Saint-Louis, France - PulseBlaster PCI board is used to conduct research, scientific studies and fundamental pre-developments in the field of armament in the conventional weapons sector.

University of Cambridge, England - Graduate student Richard Neill will use his PulseBlaster PCI board to control, under Linux, an infrared imaging camera for experiments in astronomy.

Computer Application Service, Scottland -  PulseBlaster used as the digital signal generator to simulate a custom high speed parallel data source.

University of Arkansas, USA - Graduate student Gaylen Burnside builds a pulsed NMR instrument with PulseBlaster.

DuPont, USA -  Drs. Pellicone and McCambridge have been using PulseBlasterDDS PCI boards and USB systems for NQR excitation and experiment control. 

CADIMES, France -  PulseBlasterDDS (USB) for RF tagging development.

Boston University School of Medicine, USA -  Dr. O'Connor uses his PulseBlaster PCI board for applications in Mass Spectrometry. 

Breault Research Organization, USA -  Innovative Optics applications with PulseBlaster. 

Institute of Metal Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia -  Dr. Gerashenko uses PulseBlaster PCI boards for applications in Magnetic Resonance. 

Aeroflex EuropTest, France -  Customized PulseBlaster PCI boards have been applied for radar testing applications. 

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), USA -  Dr. Alan Marshall's group uses PCI PulseBlaster for precision timing of their Ion Cyclotron Mass Spectrometry experiments. 

Technical University Darmstadt, Germany -  Achim Gädke and Dr. APrivalov (Professor Fujara group) use several boards of PulseBlaster PB24 (24Bit) and DDS-III to equip NMR spectrometers for experiments in solid state, diffusiometry and relaxometry. There is a public software suite for spectrometer control available.

Max-Planck Institute for Radiation Chemistry, Germany -  Dr. E. J. Reijerse will use his PulseBlaster board runing at 125 MHz (40 ns shortest pulse, 8 ns resolution) for multidimensional ESR applications. 

South Korea -  PulseBlasterDDS has been demonstrated as a complete excitation and timing system for NQR in mobile landmine-detection applications (Dr. Yun Hyun Cho, in collaboration with Professor Grechischkin of Kalliningrad, Russia).

Yukov Scientific -  Dr. Igor Yukov uses his PulseBlasterDDS board for novel ultrasound applications where agile frequency switching is required.

Hitachi, Japan - PulseBlasterPlus! (DDS, USB-controlled) are used as excitation systems for NMR in materials research.

General Electric Medical Systems, USA -  Customized PulseBlasterDDS as a dedicated decoupler for MRI applications.

Australian National University, Canberra, Australia - Dr. Matthew Sellars uses a PulseBlasterPlus! in his quantum computing research.  Dr. Sellars writes "The main use for the box is for research into a solid state based quantum computer.  We plan to use the box to provide rf to drive acoustic optic modulators to accurately create optical pulse sequences.  The experiments are very similar to NMR except they are at optical frequencies..."

Sony DADC Austria. - Needed a digital clock generator.  SpinCore customized PulseBlasterDDS to provide a square-wave DDS output signal. 

Fortex Group, Estonia. - PulseBlasterDDS is used as an excitation system for novel MQ-MAS (multiple-quantum magic angle spinning) NMR experiments where accurate and agile phase switching is required. 

Knox College, USA - PulseBlaster boards are used to control NMR experiments in Physics and Biology.

ICS-CNRS, France - PulseBlaster board is used to control NMR experiments.

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Aachen, Germany - Dr. Blumich and Eng. M. Adams will use PulseBlasterDDS board for portable NMR/MRI applications.

McMaster University, Ontario, Canada - Dr. Brian King used the PulseBlaster to produce and study rubidium Bose-Einstein Condensates.  He is now using another PulseBlaster board to control an ion-trapping experiment for applications in quantum computing.

Echo Medical Systems, USA - Dr. Zvi Tajcher uses multiple PulseBlaster boards as the core timing and control systems for NMR spectrometers for in-vivo experiments in biology.

Rice University, Texas, USA - Dr. Thomas C. Killian and his students use PulseBlaster boards for experiments in Physics on Ultracold Atoms and Plasmas.  Pascal Mickelson writes:  "nearly all of the experiments we do rely heavily on the PulseBlaster card to control the timing."  Their October 2004 paper is on Photoassociative spectroscopy at long range in ultracold strontium

California State University, Los Angeles, USA - Dr. Oscar Bernal uses PulseBlasterDDS as an excitation system for broadband NMR experiments in metals. 

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Physics Department, USA - Heat capacity measurements using AC calorimetry and RF heating (Saimir Barjami).

National University of Argentina, Cordoba -  (Professor Ramia).

University of Florida, USA - Dr. Russ Bowers uses his PulseBlaster board as the core controller of a portable spectrometer for multiple experiments, including an excitation system for electrical detection of magnetic resonance.

Practical Instruments, USA - Dr. Brad Hines needed a precision timing system for control of an imaging array for an infrared  astronomical camera.   He wrote:

"We have a need to be able to string together what I  call "timing kernels" in a variety of ways in order to shift rows, read out  pixels, and reset the array.  A suitably flexible system (PulseBlaster) will allow us to  easily change which sub-regions of the chip we read out."

Tri-Valley Research, USA - Dr. Robert Parson experiments with a low-field NMR spectrometer.

Whittier College, USA - "We plan to integrate the board into a (NMR) spectrometer that is controlled by LabVIEW software that we produced in-house" (Dr. Howard Lukefahr).

Princeton University, USA - Dr. Nick Kuzma controls his PulseBlaster boards with the IGOR-PRO software.

Washington State University, Pullmann, WA, USA - Drs. Kramer and Cruz use their PulseBlaster boards to control portable spectrophotometers for analysis of plants in the field.

Washington University at St. Louis, USA - Dr. Mark Conradi assembled several NMR spectrometers for Physics research.  He uses PulseBlaster boards to control them.

National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA - Dr. Trey Porto uses PulseBlaster boards and USB systems to control laser/atom cooling and trapping experiments. 

J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia -  Dr. Tomaz Apih uses multiple PulseBlaster and PulseBlasterDDS boards: Pulse Programmer part of his NMR setup; SMIS MR3020 board replacement; PulseBlasterDDS as an excitation system NQR experiments for minefield detection; and more.

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan - Dr. Naoki Asakawa uses a 100 MHz PulseBlaster board for his ODMR (Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance) experiments under FreeBDS OS and a PulseBlasterDDS-III under Linux for low-field NMR relaxation studies of nuclear magnetization.

Dortmund University, Germany. 

Leiden University, The Netherlands.

University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands - mobile NMR spectrometer (Dr. Arno Kentgens, Mr. Jan van Os).

The Aerospace Corporation, USA - applications in aerospace.

Asea Brown-Boveri, Heidelberg, Germany - applications in robotics.

TopSpin Medical, Israel - MRI system.

Institute of Nuclear Physics, Poland - NMR/MRI console (Dr. Zbigniew Olejniczak)

National University of Argentina, Cordoba - 0.5 Tesla NMR spectrometer with pulsed field gradients for studying diffusion coefficient in gelatins and milk products (Professors Schurrer and Brunetti).

Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA - senior project: simple MRI console (Professor C. Sotak).

ETH Zurich, Switzerland - "... MRFM (Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy) device for force detected NMR, which in principle measures the force between a magnetic field gradient and a sample using microcantilevers as in atomic force microscopy." (Christian Degen, Laboratorium fuer Physikalische Chemie).

ETH Zurich, Switzerland - NMR system for low temperature physics research (Dr. Dominik Rao, Dr. Ott's group).

TRIUMF - Canada's National Laboratory for particle physics - real time control/monitoring and data acquisition system for nuclear polarization with implanted radioactive ions (Dr. Syd Kreitzman).

University of Washington, Seattle, USA - low field NMR system for studying hyperpolarized 129Xe; timing control of laser cooling systems (Dr. Michael Romalis).  Known published results with the PulseBlaster:   "Investigation of sub-Doppler cooling..." (Phys. Rev A., 2003)
Middle East Technical University, Turkey - NMR Relaxometry measurements used to study cell integrity in botanical applications(Prof. Mecit Oztop).

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