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CPMG Programfor RadioProcessor and iSpin-NMROverviewThe CPMG experiment runs much like the Hahn-Echo experiment, however it applies additional 180 degree pulses after the first 180 degree pulse to measure the decaying echo response. The rate of this exponential decay of echo peaks is measured by T2, the Spin-Spin relaxation time. The CPMG program is available for download at the bottom of this page.Figure1. CPMG Continuous
Results (32 echoes, a sample of household cooking oil
using a 10.8MHz permanent magnet)
Figure 1 shows the resultant FID
response when capturing data continuously during a
CPMG experiment. The large negative spikes are caused
by the 180 degree pulses being applied.
Since a large number of echoes may be
required to accurately measure T2, the CPMG program
allows for segmented scanning acquisition. This mode
reduces memory usage by allowing the RadioProcessor to
only acquire a set number of points per echo (as
little as a single point per echo). There is no
constraints on number of echoes or points per echo
except that the number of data points cannot exceed
the maximum complex points of the RadioProcessor.
Figure 2 and 3, below, show multiple point and single
point segmented scans.
Figure2. CPMG Segmented Results (80 echoes, 16 points per echo, a sample of household cooking oil using a 10.8MHz permanent magnet) Figure3. CPMG Segmented Results (80 echoes,1 point per echo, a sample of household cooking oil using a 10.8MHz permanent magnet) Figure 4, below, shows the pulse sequence used by the RadioProcessor to perform this experiment. Each vertical line is a new instruction, and the names of the durations used are shown above each time range. Figure4. CPMG Pulse Sequence
Running the CPMG Program
The CPMG program accepts command line parameters
to specify the values for each of the pulse program's
parameters. It takes the following arguments as inputs: |
Argument |
Parameter |
Units/Values |
1 |
File Name |
2 |
Number |
# |
3 |
Bit |
0, 1, 2, or 3 |
4 |
Debug | 0 or 1 |
5 |
Frequency |
MHz |
6 |
Frequency |
MHz |
7 |
Width |
kHz |
8 |
Number of Echoes |
# |
9 |
Amplitude |
0.0 - 1.0 |
10 |
90 Degree
Pulse Time |
us |
11 |
90 Degree
Pulse Phase |
degrees |
12 |
180 Degree
Pulse Time |
us |
13 |
Include 90 |
0 or 1 |
14 |
Bypass FIR |
0 or 1 |
15 |
Number of Echo Points |
# |
16 |
Number of
Scans |
# |
17 |
Tau |
us |
18 |
Delay |
ms |
19 |
Delay |
us |
20 |
Delay |
s |
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